Star Wars: Episode 1 Trivia
This is my attempt at a good trivia page. I will start out giving you some easy ones, and then they will get harder. I will post the winners after a little while. I'm not sure yet whether I'm gonna do it weekly or monthly, or what, just check in often. Email me your answers, your email, and comments and I will grade them (Not your comments of course:). I hope you enjoy it. If you get in the top three I will post your name in the Hall of Fame for the week. If you get number one, you will get to stay there on the long term list. Oh, one more thing. The questions will vary from episode 1 to the original trilogy. Maybe I will throw in some questions from the book once in a while. Ok, enough talk, let's get on to the trivia!
1. What alien race is Sebulba?
2. How many Destroyer Droids attack Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan on the Trade Federation Battleship?
3. What color is the ship the Jedi are traveling in, in the first scene?
4. What is Darth Maul's ship called?
5. How many arms does Gasgano the Podracer have, and how many fingers on each arm or hand?
6. Who is the Neimoidian Representative in the Senate?
7. Who is the captain (or is it general, admiral, leader?) of the battle droids?
8. What is the name of the Gungan who is the rank of Captain? (Hint: He's a cup topper! Or was.)
9. What type of ship does Queen Amidala have?
10. Who is the droid who first appears when the 2 Jedis are waiting on the T.F. Battleship? (Hint: He's a protocol droid.)
11. How many handmaidens does Queen Amidala have including Padme?
12. Name four of them.
14. What two Podracers did Sebulba ram into them from the side, then they crashed?
15. What Podracer was shot by a Tusken Raider?
16. What does Sebulba say when his pod crashes?
17. Who conceived Anakin Skywalker (or the chosen one)?
18. What non-Star Wars creature do you see in the Senate scene that is in another movie?
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Your Comments: (Please tell me how you liked the trivia, was it too hard , too easy? Please write something. Anything!)