The Empire Strikes Back
Here's the next set of trivia brought to you by yours truly Roguetwo. Email me when your finished. Most of the answers to this month's questions can be found in The Empire Strikes Back, but a few are from the extended universe (I.E. Star Wars books.). I'm referring to the last three questions about the bounty hunters. The hunters themselves can be seen in ESB, but you can't know their names, unless you look into other sources. Thanks to Peter for pointing that out to me. These were kind of easy this month, but I just needed to get some kind of trivia up. Hall of Fame
What color are Rogue Squadron's flight suits in ESB?
How many Arakyd Probe Droid Capsules are seen being launched from an Imp II Star Destroyer at the beginning of the movie?
What odds did Artoo give for Luke or Han surviving Hoth's night?
What groups were assigned to stay back and fly the speeders in the briefing before the battle of Hoth?
Where are the Imperial Walkers (AT-AT's) first spotted?
Who's Wedge's gunner in the battle of Hoth? (Must get full name.)
What course does Han tell Chewie to set when they come to the Hoth Asteroid Belt?
How many Bounty Hunters are there in the movie?
What are all of their names?
Which two bounty hunters hunt as partners?
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