Level 8: Encounter in the Desert
Mission: Distract Darth Maul
You can't kill Darth Maul in this level (with the exception of a strange
bug), so don't try. This can be a quick or painfully long level depending
on your skill with the saber. There is not much to do here. Your main
purpose is to distract Darth Maul while your crew tries to get themselves
and the hyperdrive generator to the ship safely. If one of your crew dies
or the hyperdrive generator is destroyed, the level ends. Now is a good
time to start practicing your saber moves on Darth Maul, because you'll
need to be good at it to beat him during the last level. Try some jump
and slash, overhead saber, and saber twirl moves on him.
First, exit the city. Right outside the city are some probe droids that
shoot at you. It's best to take these out before you go any further and
come to Darth Maul, because it's very troublesome trying to fight Maul
with these little buggers shooting at you at the same time. It's a bit
hard to get these probes with your saber because they can fly high up.
You can try to use force push to disable them temporarily, and then take
them out with your blaster or saber.
You'll come to a mountain pass, and Darth Maul will cause a rockslide
to block your path. Nothing but a saber will work on him, so don't
waste your ammo. You need to injure him to about half way on his health
bar, and then he'll run to the other side. There's a full health powerup
in the landspeeder in the corner. Notice the big rocks on the ground?
You can destroy them with your saber. If you try to run to the speeder
for the health during the middle of battle, Darth Maul can use his force
powers to smash your face with those rocks. So destroy them ahead of
time. Once Darth is about halfway down on his health, he'll run away.
There is a small platform near the fallen rockslide that you can jump
onto. Push a big rock out of the way to reveal an opening, and go
through to the other side. Now would be a good time to save your game.
If you want to make short work of this level, at the beginning of the
first battle you can completely ignore Maul and come to this rock and
go through to the other side. Either way, the whole point is to delay
Darth Maul while your crew and the generator get aboard the ship safely.
Here's part 2 of fighting Darth. When you first see Maul, don't walk
towards him immediately. Try to let him come to you, so he passes the
hyperdrive generator on his way to you. You may have to walk a little
bit forward to lure him to you. You don't want to battle him too near
the hypderdrive, because he'd rather take a couple of pot shots at the
generator. Once the hypderdrive or one of your crew is destroyed, the
level will end.
After he comes to you, try to keep yourself between the ship and Darth.
Use force push to keep him away from the hyperdrive. There's a
full health near the ship if you need it, although if you try to run for
it, Darth may try to run for the generator and your crew. Try not to
stray too far from the ship, in one corner are some nasty sand people.
You only need to distract Maul for a couple of minutes. After enough
time has passed, go towards the ship and the level should automatically
end. If you are already near enough to the ship when you are fighting
Maul, the level will end when everyone is safely aboard.