Level 7: Mos Espa Arena
Mission: Find Jabba; Find Watto; Find Anakin
Weapons are pretty scarce on this level, and there are 2 boss monsters
you have to fight. If you did not carry over any weapons from the
previous level, the secret areas at the beginning of this level are
critical to finishing thegame (unless you're a whiz with your saber).
Don't enter the Arena gates just yet. From your starting position,
go all the way left. You'll find some thugs up against a wall and
near a round building. Kill them. To your left, there is an opening
in the canyon wall. Follow it, and you'll be led to a sandcrawler.
Jump up and kill any sand people inside. The room to your left will
have a small health pack. The room to the right (use the control
panel) has an R2 unit and a blaster. Let the R2 unit out, and
get the blaster. Make sure you protect the R2 unit, because there may
(he doesn't always show up) be a Tusken Raider on the cliff ledge as
you're leaving the sandcrawler. It'll shoot at R2. So get in front
of the R2 unit when you first let him out if you have to, head towards
the exit, shoot or force push the Raider, let R2 down the ramp, and
then return for your blaster powerup.
Exit back to the arena entrance area (but don't go in) and this time
go to your right. There is a little round building with a locked door.
Find the R2 unit (he should be in the area if he wasn't destroyed) and
coax him towards the door and eventually he should open it. Inside are
5 flash grenades.
Go back past the gates again, around the green beastie, and in one
of the corners is a merchant (Grendle) selling "chokie." You
choose the following dialog options, in this specific order, to get the
thermal detonator. First, ask him how dried chokie is made, and whether
he sells anything else. Ask about the thermal detonator, say you're a
farmer, and when he asks, say that you're helping a farmer friend. He
will direct you to another merchant.
Go inside towards the entrace of the arena. To the left is the dweezel
and pallie merchant (Anabar). Talk to him. Ask him if he sells anything
else, then ask about the thermal detonator. You will have to use a jedi
mind trick to make him take your republic credits.
When you're done, find the blue Twi'lek lady from the last level, she's
right next to the gates. Talk to her and she'll lead you to Jabba. Follow
her up the stairs. Do what she says and just follow the path. Eventually
you'll find a room with a button. Before you press that button, save your
Once you push the button, you will be dropped into a pit. Walk towards
the money (peggats), and Jabba will say some things via his translator
droid. If you are relatively nice to Jabba, he may throw you a small
health pack during the middle of the fight. This does not always happen
though. End the conversation.
Now it's time to fight Jabba's Champion. What a nightmare! Don't
use the thermal detonator or you'll hurt some spectators. And if
that happens, you'll die very quickly from angry people after the
fight is over.
There are quite a few strategies to beating the Champ. The easist
depends on you acting very quickly after you pick up the peggats. Get
your saber out, and head over to the door that the monster comes out of.
Stand there (don't walk on the spikes or you'll lose health) and when
the monster comes out, hold down your attack key. The monster will
try to push you back, but keep pushing the forward key and holding down
your attack key. Trap him in the little door and don't let him get any
further out. The combination of your saber whacks and the floor spikes
will do great damage to him. You can kill the monster this way VERY
easily and quickly, and not lose many (if any) health points. The red
health bar for the monster may not show up if you choose to attack him
this way, but he will still die if you are hitting him.
For other strategies, you may have to die several times, and observe
the monster's movement. You can try the jump and slash, jump and slash
technique with your saber. If you have any flash grenades (from the
beginning of this level or carried over from the last level), you can
try using force push, throw a grenade, and repeat that process until
it's dead. Save your game.
Once he's dead, exit the room and you find yourself in a bar. You can
go into Jabba's throne room if you want, but it's not necessary. If you
talk to the blue Twi'lek girl a couple of times, she has a change in
attitude towards you. Well, at least you can take pleasure in knowing
that her station in life will never be above that of Jabba's dancing *****
(which is a rather uncouth thing for a Jedi to think, so keep it to
yourself). You can also have a quick chat with Jabba before you leave
if you wish.
On the far side of the bar there's a group of podracer fans blocking
entrance into the arena stands. You can find a secret health pack if you
leave the bar out of the only available exit. You'll see some merchants
selling items, a few Jawas, and several steps. Keep going until you come
to some stairs that have 2 ropes overhead. One rope is slightly lower
thanthe other rope. This is a very tricky jump. You'll have to run and
double jump to get on the first rope, and then jump again to get to the
second higher rope.
Shimmy across to the left, and you'll eventually find yourself in a
room with a locked door. There is no button to open it on this side.
Immediately to your left is an open window. Carefully exit, and you'll
find yourself on a balcony. To your right is another tricky jump.
There's a tiny balcony (with a nice tile pattern) that you can jump onto.
You'll have to run and double jump to get onto it. Inside the room, you'll
find an alien man sleeping. Talk to him, tell him your Anakin's friend,
and he'll open up a cabinet for you with a full health powerup.
Now go back to the bar and talk to Teemto (the drunk alien). Use your
jedi mind trick to make him lead you to the human on the other side of
the bar (across from the band). He's the guy from Watto's junkyard.
There's a small health pack here, so use it if needed. Talk to the human,
and he's not very helpful. Talk to Kreg, his hammerhead friend sitting
next to him, who says the human is friendlier with a few drinks in him.
Go to the bar. Make sure you're right up against it, and near the corner
(I couldn't get the droid to talk to me unless I was near the corner).
Wait for the bartender droid to initiate conversation with you, and then
get a juri juice (you will not get a juri juice until Kreg tells you the
human can be bribed with drinks). Take it to the human. Go back to the
bar and get another drink for his friend.
The drunk human will now talk to you. He'll take you to Watto. When
says "wait here", don't wait. Follow him up the stairs and through
newly opened door. Keep going until you reach Watto on the balcony. Talk
to Watto and place your bet.
Exit back to the bar. Go around the bar, past Jabba's throne room, and
the arena stands that were previously blocked is now accessible. Go
down to the bottom of the stairs. Jump over the wall into the arena,
and go straight ahead to find Anakin in his podracer.
If you die (you shouldn't) then just take the long way around by going
the right, across the long bridge, up a hill, past a couple of domed
buildings. At the second domed building is a guard who trades podracer
If you have a fuel convertor left over from the last level, you can try
trade it to him for a blaster (the guard will not be here anymore when you
chase the thief up here). When done, go down the stairs. Go straight and
you should find Anakin near his podracer.
Anakin yells at you that a thief just stole his ignition capacitor (if
he doesn't, just run after the little blue creature that just took off).
It will lead you near a spare parts yard with a full health against the
far back wall, then into a trench with some sand people. Before you chase
the thief any further, go to the end of the small trench and enter a dead
end tunnel. You'll find another full health powerup. The "end"
of the
tunnel is actually a door. Open it with your "use" key (spacebar)
you'll find 5 flash grenades. Continue chasing the blue creature, he
should be heading back towards Anakin. Follow him up the stairs, or just
go up the stairs if you can't see him. At the top, go into the domed
building. The creature is there (if he's not, go find him and chase him
there), but it doesn't have the part you need. Don't bother killing him,
you won't get it that way. Instead, move the block on the back wall.
There is a small health pack in the corner, and another small health
pack in the pit. Be careful, because after you engage the boss man,
guns may come up in the pit. Now would be a good time to save your game.
Now it's time to beat another boss monster. One strategy to beat him
is to stand just barely in the doorway until you can just see the boss
guy and start shooting. This is the best and quickest strategy. The
thermal detonator you should have gotten at the beginning of the level
will also come in handy here (just make sure you're as far away from the
room as possible when it explodes). If you snatched the flash grenades
from the end of the trench tunnel, use them. You can use other strategies
(I did it the hard way) if you want to test your skills. If you're low
ammo or have already run out, this is the strategy I used (because I didn't
have any other weapon left).
Use your saber and draw the boss man to one of the corners where a
gun will come up out of the floor. Don't get too close to him or his
personal shield will go up, and he can partially heal with the shields
up. Whack the bossman, and when the gun comes up, you can just whack it
because it's within reach right there. That way you don't have to run
towards it and lose precious health from the boss shooting you in the
back and the gun shooting you as you run towards it. After you destroy
one gun, go to another corner where another gun will come up and draw the
boss man to that and so on. You may have to die a few times to see which
guns will pop up first, or to fine tune your strategy. The overhead saber
twirl move may come in handy, if you're any good with it.
Grab the ignition capacitor off the floor when the boss is dead. Once
you have the part, return it to Anakin who's in his podracer now, and
talk to him to end the level.