Level 11: The Final Battle
Mission: Queen - Find throne room
Obi-Wan - Defeat Darth Maul

This is the final level of the game. To get through the various
security doors as the queen, you need to find different colored
keypasses. As Obi-Wan, you'll be doing a lot of dangerous jumping
games, so you may want to save your game before and after each jump.

You start as out the queen. Go left, past the open room, and on the
right are two control panels on the wall. You can use the right panel
and it will reveal a full health. If you stick around, a red droid will
come and open up the left control panel for you. It has a blaster with
250 shots.

Continue the other way, and you'll find a white security door that needs
a white passkey. To your left you'll see a soldier standing near 3 doors.
Listen to what he says and DON'T open the door behind me, as there's no
force great enough in the universe that can destroy all those droids. If
you ****** around waiting for the red droid and the hidden panel, he may
have gotten killed in the meantime. It doesn't really matter. The only
thing he was there for was to tell you not to open the door behind him
(the center door) and that you need passkeys to get through the security

Go into the room on the right, kill the two battle droids, and move the
cabinet (there's a small health underneath it). Move the cabinet across
the hall into the other room, where there are two more droids waiting.
Kill them, and push the cabinet under the the green control panel that's
high up on the wall. Push the button, and a secret passage is revealed.
On the other side is the room where the prisoners are being held. One of
them has the white passkey, talk to him.

Exit back out to the main area, and go to the white security door. The
control panel is hidden beneath an outer casing, so it's inaccessible
right now. In the corner next to the panel is a passkey reader machine
that you have to use in order to reveal the white control panel. Once
that's done, use the control panel. The door will open.

You are now Obi-Wan. Save your game. Go through the door, and prepare
for a jumping game made from hell. Believe it or not, you will have to
navigate most of these circular platforms and elevators from one side of
the room to the other in order to reach the catwalk that Qui-Gon and
Darth Maul are fighting on.

There is a droid on this first ring. Kill it. Your goal in this part
of the game is to get onto the left side of the room. Go all the way
left, past 2 rings with pink forcefields, until you come to a dead end
ring with a droid on it. Kill it or force push it off. When the elevator
comes, get onto it. Ride it all the way to the top ring, and get off.
From this vantage point, you can see Darth Maul and Qui-Gon fighting.

Look around, and you'll see a door against a wall just below you. There
is a ring (with a pink forcefield coming out of the center) that leads to
the door. You'll have to double jump down onto this ring.

Go through the door, and kill 2 droids. Open the next door, and you're
on a catwalk. The first control panel you come to on the left turns on
the lights. Go to the end of the catwalk, and this control panel will
get rid of the blue forcefields. Go back to the first control panel.
Opposite of this is a small area that juts out. Get onto it. You need
to get across to the other catwalk.

At this point these platforms are too far apart for you to jump across.
You only need to get one of the platforms to extend. You can throw a
gungan energy ball onto the platform on the other side, and it will
short out the control panel next to it. This will cause that platform
to extend a little. Or you can just force push the same control panel.
Another option is to use the middle control panel on your side (go all
the way around it to see the panel), which will extend the platform on
your side a little bit. Save your game before you jump. If you miss,
the fall will kill you. Once one or both platforms are extended (they
won't meet), make a running double jump to the other side.

On the other side, kill any droids that are bothering you, and go
through the door where you'll find 4-5 more battle droids. There is
a secret panel in the wall next to the control panel that opens the
door. Open it, and you'll find a full health powerup. Go through
the next door, and you'll end up on a dead end ring. Walk forward a
little bit, and you'll switch characters again.

Now you are the Queen. Definitely save your game here. There's a
buttload of battle droids, droids operating heavy repeating cannons,
and destroyer droids down the long hallway to the left. At the start
of this section, you see a door straight ahead of you. If you want to
gather some goodies to help beat the droids on this level, you need to
find a way to open it.

But first, you'll need to kill the first set of repeating cannon droids.
Let Panaka take out a couple of droids around the corner before you move
into the corridor. An easy way to take out the repeating cannon droid
is to walk forward very slowly until you can just barely see it at the
top of your screen. Use your blaster to destroy it, and then take out
any strays. Turn around, and head back towards Panaka. There's a control
panel on the right wall, near the point where the wall curves inward.
This will open the door in the corner that leads to all the goodies.

Head towards that door, go inside up a long ramp, and through the
strange silver doors at the top. Inside the round room, kill the two
droids. Turn around and face the door you just came through. On the
right is a BLUE control panel. Use it, and a proton missile launcher
with 5 shells will fall out of the compartment. To the right is a ledge.
Jump out onto it, and go through the open window on the left. At the
bottom of the stairs, turn around. There is a hidden panel on the wall
between the two stairs. Inside you'll find a full health pack and a
thermal detonator.

Exit the room. If you did not kill the first set of repeating cannon
droids beforehand, they will be right outside this room as you exit.
Go get Panaka on the left and continue down the hallway. Take out the
second repeating cannon droid using the same method I recommended for
the first. Walk very slowly towards it until you can just barely see
it on your screen, and take it out with your blaster.

Continue forward and you'll run into some destroyer droids. Let
Panaka destroy them. Behind the first door you run past on your
left is a weapons stash. Inside is a light repeating blaster with 300
shots, a small health pack, and a blaster with 250 shots. But wait,
there's more. There's a secret panel in the corner. Use it. Inside
you'll find a room that has a blaster with 250 shots, a light repeating
blaster with 300 shots, and a small health pack. You can hide in these
rooms while Panaka is taking out the destroyers. You may have to go back
in the hallway to lure the destroyers to Panaka.

As you continue forward, a closed door on your right will suddenly open,
revealing another destroyer droid. Let Panaka have it. Panaka may be
playing the "poor wounded soldier" role and standing as far back from the
battle as possible near where you started this seciton of the game. If
Panaka isn't helping you out, you'll have to take them out yourself.

Finally you've come to your last set of repeating cannons droids. The
cannon is on the left side of the wall. Use the same strategy as before
to take it out. Or use whatever other goodies you may have on you. Open
the door on the left and you enter a new hallway.

There are four doors here. The door to your left has the blue passkey
reader machine. The door to the right has a full health powerup in a
compartment. Go all the way down the hallway to another blocked door.
On the left is a room with the blue pass, but it also has a destroyer
droid. Let Panaka take it out. The door on the right also has a
destroyer droid, but there's nothing useful in there, so don't open
it. Once you have the blue pass, go back to the room with the passkey
reader and use it. Some stray battle droids may attack on the way there
and back. Then go back to the blue security door and use the blue
control panel.

At the end of the hallway to your right is the red passkey reader.
There's also a room here with a moveable cabinet. On the tiny ledge of
the pillar near this room is the red passkey. Downstairs is another
moveable cabinet near the elevator. There's also a destroyer droid or
two, and a few battle droids lurking about. Let Panaka kill them, or
kill them with whatever tactic you've developed thus far.

To get the red passkey, you'll need to move the cabinet that's near
the elevator under the broken railing near a pillar. Then go into
the room next to the passkey reader and push the cabinet through the
broken railing so it lands on the cabinet below. If it is not perfectly
stacked, that's ok. Move the stacked boxes to the other pillar with
the red passkey, then go back upstairs, jump over the balcony onto the
box, and snatch the red passkey. Go back upstairs and use the red
passkey reader.

On the bottom floor, open the door with the newly revealed red control
panel. You'll find a light repeating blaster with 300 shots, 2 small
health packs, and a blaster with 250 shots. The go up to the red
security door, use the panel, and walk forward a little bit. You'll
switch characters.

You are Obi-Wan again. Save your game. Your goal in this part of the
game is to make your way to the other side of the room. Walk onto the
ring. Look down. There's a droid walking on a ring just below you
with a pink forcefield in the center. You want to get on the ring one
level below the droid. Get on the elevator. There are 3 levels to the
elevator you're on now, but the elevator only stops on the top and
bottom ring. Get off on the middle ring. From here, you need to make
a running double jump onto the next nearest ring below you (with the
pink forcefield). It may not seem possible, but it is, so keep trying.

Go forward, and you'll reach another dead end ring (pink forcefield)
with a droid on it. Kill it. Right below you is a ring with an elevator.
Again, make another running double jump. You may want to wait until the
elevator is in the down position because when I jumped, I barely made it
and actually rolled onto the elevator. Had the elevator not been there,
I may have gone through the hole in the center to my death. Take the
elevator to the top.

Kill the droid at the top, and then go through the door. There is a
box behind the grate against one wall (near the control panel). You
need access to it. Use the panel to call the elevator up. Use it
again and quickly get on the elevator to go down. Against one wall
is a small ledge. You'll have to run and double jump to get up there.
Push the button, and it will move the grate upstairs to one side.
The grate is timed, but you have plenty of time before the grate will
move back to its original position. Go up the elevator, and pull the
box out of the wall and onto the elevator. Use the control panel
again to make the elevator go down.

You need to move the box to the area where all the blue forcefields
are blocking your path. Off to the left side side is a small ledge
that's out of your reach. Move the box to it and jump up. This
control room will operate the blue forcefields. You need to maniuplate
them so you have a clear path to the room on the other side.

Pretend the controls are the faces on a clock. Starting on the wall
with 3 panels, and going left to right, it should be: 9:00, 9:30, 3:00.
On the other wall with the 5 panels, from left to right, it should read:
9:30, 3:00, 9:30, 3:00, 9:30. The path should now be clear. Go to the
other side, up the elevator, and out the door.

Now you are the Queen again. Save your game. Immediately kill the
droid behind the heavy repeating cannon. Use the cannon to kill a
buttload of battle droids and destroyer droids. Go up the stairs.
If you have any proton missiles left (you better hope you do) use them
on the destroyer droids up here. Once up the stairs, there's an open
door on the left. Right next to the door is a statue. If you destroy
it (I had to use a proton missile launcher because the blasters didn't
work) you will find a full health pack. Now go into the room, out the
window, and walk along the ledge. You'll run into one battle droid on
the way to the next open window. Get the full health pack in this room.

A door on the side leads to the throne room (the other leads back to
the area with the big stairs that you were just at). Go through the
side door and kill a few droids. Before you talk to the Viceroy, open
the door opposite of where you just came in. Talk to Panaka and make
sure he follows you into the room. If you doesn't follow you, just make
sure the door is open at least. Talk to the Viceroy, and your final
battle has begun. Kill the droids. If Panaka followed you in the room,
he should help you. If not, and the doors are open, he should come
running in to help you. Once all the droids are destroyed, talk to
the Viceroy and you switch characters one last time.

Now you are Obi-Wan, and the level is almost done. Save your game.
Walk out onto the right side of the ring. Look down. There's an elevator.
You have to jump onto the elevator either as it's coming up or going down.
If you do it as it's starting to come up, it may be easier. If you do it
as it's going down and you wait too long, you may die because the jump
"down" is too far.

This elevator has 3 levels. It'll stop on the top and bottom ring, but
you need to get off on the middle ring. Once on the middle ring, follow
the path (past 2 rings with pink forcefields) until you come to another
dead end ring. Get on the elevator. There are 4 levels to this elevator.
You want to get off on the ring that's one level below the top ring.
Walk forward onto the last ring, and from here you can jump onto the
catwalk (finally!!). But Qui-Gon and Darth Maul are no longer fighting
on the catwalk.

Go through the door to your left, and watch out for the red forcefields
alternating on and off. Go through to the end where Darth Maul and
Qui-Gon are fighting.

Here's the final battle. Save your game. Up on ledges on both sides
of the pit are full health packs in hidden blue panels. One easy
strategy to defeating Maul is to force push him into the pit. But when
he's near the edge, he may jump up over you and away from it. When you
have him near the edge, get your saber out. Whack him a few times to
keep him there temporarily, then quickly force push him again until he
falls into the pit. Another strategy (if you're lucky) is to position
yourself in one of the corners and take him out with a couple of proton
missiles. Or you can go the old fashioned route and duel him saber to
saber. Watch out, he'll use red lightning and throw boxes at you.
After Darth Maul dies, go talk to Qui-Gon. End of game.


(C) Copyright 1999 Marilyn J. Caylor, email: marilyncaylor@yahoo.com