Episode 1 Racer Cheat Codes
At the screen where you buy new parts for your POD, press [Shift] + [F4] + 4 for an extra $1000. Note: This may only be done five times.
Taunt Scenes- Hold Spacebar before you begin a Race
Hidden Secrets/Cheats
View Team Photo - Get First on All Tournament Tracks. When
the Title Screen
goes into Demo-mode presss Up-C.
Secret Character Taunt Cutscenes - Before you start a race with your selected podracer, hold down the Z-Button and press A to watch Sebulba and your character taunt each other...
Tap R-button Twice for Taunts during the Race
Codes - To enter a code on the N64, select an empty file and hold down the Z-button first then enter the correct letters with the L button. The letters selected appear on the bottom left corner of the screen. When done, select END. Now for the CODES!
RRTANGENTABACUS- Opens up All options at the Cheat Menu
RRDEBUG- During game, pause then press left, down, right, and up on D-pad
RRJINNRE- A secret Character named Jinn Reeso, must have Mars Guo to unlock
RRCYYUN- Another secret Character named Cy Yunga. You Must first have unlocked "Bullseye Navior" by beating him at his Track Favorite. THE CODE IS CONFIRMED. I looked at the back of the instruction booklet under the VOICE CAST and found the names Jinn Reeso and Cy Yunga, pretty neat eh.
RRDUAL- Dual control capability, one control for each pod engine. Control Ports 1 and 3 for player one, ports 2 and 4 for player two. AWESOME!!!!
RRJABBA- Can't get through a track? Use this code to become INVINCIBLE. Enter code, and during a race press pause. Then on the D-PAD press left, down, right, and up.
RRTHEBEAST- Mirror mode- Race through ALL the tracks but backwards. This mode also opens up if you get 1st place on ALL twenty-five tracks. Enter code, and during a race press pause. Then on the D-PAD press left, down, right, and up.